Snap Snap Thursdays #3

sstSnap Snap Thursdays is a weekly meme hosted by Rebeca at “Books and Messy Buns”. Anyone can join, you just have to do the following:

  • Pick up the book you’re currently reading (or read last)
  • Take a picture of it
  • Share your picture with the book community 🙂

Note: Please refer the host of the meme (this blog/this post) in your own post and leave a comment down below with a link to your SST so all the participant can have a look and share their thoughts too!

My Picture:


10 thoughts on “Snap Snap Thursdays #3

  1. Aura Willow says:

    I love this book! I am currently reading Clockwork Prince. So excited to get onto the last in the series but I don’t want them to end!! Who’s your favourite character? Aura.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Aura Willow says:

        Wow, I am so excited to hear this news! I am still a newbie, so far have only read ID 1 and nearly 2, and MI 1. I do like Charlotte a lot, and Tessa and Sophie but I can’t decide who I prefer out of Will and Jem. I guess I will know when I complete the series. I love Magnus in Infernal Devices but he seemed a tad bit cold in Mortal Instruments. I can’t wait to read the Bane Chronicles too!


      • Rebeca says:

        Then you still have a lot of reading to enjoy, don’t worry 😉
        Between Will and Jem I think I like Will the best because of his sarcastic humor! But honestly I think mostly everyone at the institute is pretty great 🙂
        Yes! I haven’t read the Bane Chronicles either and I’m super excited!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Aura Willow says:

        Sounds awesome. I like Will a lot more now I know his secret. I hated him at the end of the last book. All forgiven now 🙂


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