One Sentence Wendesday #17

OnFeatured imagee Sentence Wednesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Rebeca at “Books and Messy Buns”. Anyone can join, you just have to do the following:

  • Pick up the book you’re currently reading (or read last)
  • Think about what it made you feel so far
  • Describe it in one sentence
  • Share your sentence, book title and author with the book community 🙂

Note: Please refer the host of the meme (this blog/this post) in your own post and leave a comment down below with a link to your 1SW so all the participant can have a look and share their thoughts too!

My Sentence:

“You know how the first book in a triology is always amazing and then the second one is just not quite there? This was the exact opposite!”

– about Hollow City by Ransom Rigg

5 thoughts on “One Sentence Wendesday #17

  1. tracyeire says:

    The Line: “Do not,” thunders St. Jerome, in AD 403 in a letter to one Laeta, concerning her daughter Paula, “do not dye her hair red, and thereby presage her for the fires of hell”.

    My thoughts: And I thought it was odd the Irish wouldn’t let red heads step first through the door at New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

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